24-31 March



24-31 MARCH

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Bael 24-25  March at night,  Agares 31March daytime, Phenex 24-29 March at night,   Halphas 30-31 March at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Bael
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who desacralized all around them - knowledges, feelings etc. Such people had lost their "center".  These days the mighty demon Bael will hunt for them and show them the real sense of things around.  He will use their spirit as "fuel" to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you so not wish to become the victim and food for Bael, please start to think about Saint things existence.  And while you think, please do not do the things, that can attract Bael to you. Please do NOT wear black and yellow colors clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma, stay far from the places where the Fern grows  and do not use things, made of Gold and Iron. Aries must be very careful now.

Influence of  Agares
People who are under the risk these days - those, who have got the strong fear to move on. Such people are escaping from themselves. These days the mighty demon Agares will hunt for them and use their weak energy as "food" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to be hunted and eaten by this demon, please think good and accept the inevitability of growth. If you will not grow  - life will force you to do so. And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things, that can attract Agares to you.  Please do Not wear green color clothing, do not use Sandal aroma, stay far from the places where clove grows and do not use the things made of copper.  Aries must be very careful now.

Influence of  Phenex
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are obsessed with the opinion of others. Such people have got no personal opinion at all.  They  always imitate the others and think like others do. These days the mighty demon Phenex will hunt for them and use their weak spirit as energy for himself to get stronger. If you do not want to be used by this demon - please work on self-identity and stop to follow the others. And while you fight to become better - please do not do the things that can attract Phenex to you.  Please do NOT wear violet, red and orange colors clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use the things made of silver. Pisces must be especially careful now.

Influence of  Halphas
People who are under the risk these days - those, who use and depend on others people resources. Such people adapt to everyone and the are like Chameleons.  These days the mighty demon Halphas will find them and use them same as they use other people. He will suck all energy and power of such people. If you do not wish to be used by this demon, but want to become his friend- please learn to be able to stay hungry in all senses of it. And while you try to do it - please do not do the things, that can attract Halphas to you. Please do NOT wear red color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Marjoram grows and do not use the things made of copper and silver.  Aries must be very careful now.

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, described above - please try your luck and summon Bael, Agares, Phenex or Halphas and they are able to help you to reach your life goals and to make your deepest dreams come true. Good luck! 

16-23 March



16-23 MARCH

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Bael 21-23  March at night, Stolas 16-20 March  daytime,  Phenex 21-23 March at night, Andromalius 16-20 March at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Bael
People who are under the risk these days - those, who had got into the Desacralization.  Such people had lost their "center". These days the mighty demon Bael will come for them and use their energy and weakness as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Bael, please  work to be able to feel the Saint things existence.  And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things, that can attract Bael to you. Please do NOT wear black and yellow colors clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma, stay far from the places where the Fern grows, do not use the things, made of Gold and Iron. Aries must be very careful now.

Influence of  Stolas
People who are under the risk these days - those, are collecting all information around them.  Such people are always short of Generalization.  These days the mighty demon Stolas will come for them and suck  their energy to become stronger for people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to be used by the demon Stolas, but you want to become the friend of him - please learn to get Only the necessary information, which you need according to your life plans.  And while you fight with you habit to collect all info around you - please do not do the things, that can attract Stolas to you. Please do NOT wear blue, brown and crimson colors clothing, do not use Cedar, Sandal and Ambergris aromas, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use the things, made of tin.  Pisces must be very careful these days.

Influence of  Phenex
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are obsessed with the opinion of  other people.  Such people imitate others and think like they do.  These days the mighty demon Phenex will come for them and show them, why they are wrong with such life attitude. It will be really hard life lesson. If you do not want this to happen, and  if you wish to meet Phenex as friends, please work on your self-identity. And while you do so - please do not do the things, that can attract Phenex. Please do NOT wear violet, red and orange colors clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use things made of Silver. Pisces must be really careful now.

Influence of  Andromalius
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are blinded with the Insight.  Such people are always sure in their infallibility.  These days the mighty demon Andromalius will come for them and use their selfish mind and spirit as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Andromalius, but you wanna to be liked by him- please learn to draw the lessons from your mistakes.  And while you think how to do that - please do not do the things,  that can attract Andromalius to you. Please do NOT wear red color clothing, do not use "Blood of Dragon" aroma, stay far from the places where Wormwood grows and do not use the things made of copper and silver. Pisces must be very careful these days. 

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, described above - please try you luck and summon Bael,  Stolas, Phenex or Andromalius and they are able to help you to reach your life goals and to make your deepest wishes come true. Good luck! 

8-15 March



8-15 MARCH

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Marchosias 8-10 March daytime, Stolas 11-15 March  daytime,  Dantalion  11-15 March at night, Andromalius 11-15 March at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Marchosias
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are able to be only the part of team. Who are not able to make decisions. Who are not self confident. These days the mighty demon Marchosias will come and use their weakness as "fuel"  to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Marchosias, please learn to be able to accept your own mistakes.  You have to become more brave. And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things, that can attract Marchosias to you. Please do NOT wear golden and violet color clothing,  do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use the things, made of Silver. Pisces must be very careful now.

Influence of  Stolas
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are collecting all information around them and who have got the lack of generalization. These days the mighty demon Stolas will come for them and use their spirit as "fuel" to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to be used by the demon Stolas, but you want to become the friend of him and to summon him, please learn to get only the necessary information according to your life plans. And while you work to fight your weakness, please do not do the things, that can attract Stolas to you. Please do NOT wear blue, brown and crimson colors clothing, do not use Cedar, Sandal and Ambergris aromas, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use the things made of tin.  Pisces must be very careful now.

Influence of  Dantalion
People who are under the risk these days - those, who had been trapped by the Enlightenment.  Such people are very Arrogant. These days the mighty demon Dantalion will come and use them as "fuel" for the powerful people who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Dantation, but you want to summon him- please learn to be able to see the Power in everything around you. Do not get trapped with the Enlightenment. And while you try to become free from your weakness, please do not do the things, that can attract Dantalion to you.  Please do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use Sandal aroma, stay far from the places where the Honeysuckle grows and do not use the things made of copper. Pisces must be attentive these days.

Influence of  Andromalius
People who are under the risk these days - those, who live their live, driven by their Insight.  The are always sure in their Infallibility.  These days the mighty demon Andromalius will come for them and give them hard life lesson and use their spirit to get stronger. He will smell their weakness and come for them. If you do not wish this to happen to you - please learn to be able to draw lessons from your mistakes.  And while you work to become better - please do not do the things, that can attract Andromalius to you. Please do NOT wear red color clothing, do not use aroma "the blood of Dragon", stay far from the places where the Wormwood grows and do not use the things made of copper and silver.  Pisces must be very careful these days.

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, described above - please try your luck and summon Marchosias, Stolas, Dantalion or Andromalius and they are able to help you to reach you life goals and to make your deepest dreams come true. Good luck!

1-7 March




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Marchosias 1-7 March daytime,  Decarabia 1-5 March at night.

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Marchosias
People who are under the risk these days - those, who always desire to be "the part of team work". Such people are not able to make their own decisions.  These days the powerful demon  Marchosias will come and use their spirit as "fuel" to get stronger for the mighty people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to be used by Marchosias, but you wanna to become his friend - please learn to be able to accept your own mistakes. And while you try to become better - please do not do the things, that can attract Marchosias to you. Please do NOT wear golden and violet colors clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Juniper grows and do not use the things made of silver. Pisces must be especially careful these days. 

Influence of  Decarabia
People who are under the risk these days - those, who forever fly in their ideas. Such people are dreamers, who are like "the Projector". The lost their tactical thinking. These days the mighty demon Decarabia will come for them and use their dreamy soul to become stronger.  He will give you a hard life lesson to show you the real sense of things. If you do not wish this to happen - please try to live more pragmatic life and stop to fly in the clouds. And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things that can attract Decarabia to you. Please do NOT wear violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where the Lunaria grows and do not use the things made of silver.  Aquariuses must be very careful now.

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, described above - please try your luck and summon Marchosias or Decarabia and they are able to make your dreams come true and  to help you to reach your life goals.  Good luck!

Agares the Duke of Hell

Agares the Earth Shaker  Agares is the Greatest Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon.   He rules 31 legions...