24-31 July



24-31 JULY

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  - Beleth 24-31 July daytime , Leraje 24-31 daytime, Bune 28-31 July daytime , Crocell 24-31 July at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Beleth
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who live too much in passion, who are creating and getting into the relations, which are not healthy.  Such people do not respect themselves.  These days Beleth will hunt for them in order to get stronger for powerful people who will summon him.  Your weakness about unhealthy toxic relations- is his "food" to get strong.  How to fix it and rule Beleth, but not to become his dinner? Just work on respecting yourself.  In such way  your life will be beautiful and happy. Also please do NOT wear these days red color clothing, do not smell Frankincense and stay far from forests with hazelnuts and do not use fennel. Do not use now Golden Jewelry. Leos are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Leraje
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who fight too much for Justice. Such people will get into the big trouble these days because of their Intolerance. Leraje will feel it and come for you and use your energy to get strong. You should work on your tolerance and understand that the world is full of people, who have got another worldview and ideology. Also please do NOT wear these days red and violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, do not eat bananas and do not use silver Jewelry.  All this can attract Leraje to you. Leos should be especially careful now. 

Influence of  Bune
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who live their life in the Past, who have got the Ossification of mind and soul , act automatically. Such people are dead , even if still alive.... These days Bune will  attack you and use your weakness as fuel for himself. And you will pay for your life attitude. How to fix it and stay free from Bune ( or to be able even to summon him)? Just learn to Let the things go, stop thinking about your past and think about Future.  Also please do NOT wear Green color clothing now and do not smell sandal aroma. Also do not eat oranges and stay far from these type of citrus trees. Do not use the things made of copper now. Sagittarius are under the big risk now.

Influence of  Crocell
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who are afraid of Future. Who are thinking too much and worry what will be. Such people are too shy and not able to take a step forward to future. These days Crocell will give you the life lesson in the very painful way. So better fix your wrong attitude to life NOW by yourself.  Just relax and step by step do the things you have never done before. Also please do NOT wear now green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma and do not use the things made of copper. Leos are under the biggest risk now. 

If your feel that you are strong person , and you do not have any type of weaknesses described above - go ahead and summon Beleth, Leraje , Bune or Crocell, act respectfully to them and they will help you to make your wishes come true. Good luck! 

16-23 July



16-23 JULY

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -Aim middle of July daytime, Naberius  18-22 July daytime, Glasya-Labolas 18-22 July daytime, Haagenti 16-21 July at night, Crocell 22-23 July at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Aim
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who wish always to be the  most smart. Who humiliate the ones, who are not so smart (as they think).  Such people will get into the big trouble these days because of attack the demon Aim , he will smell your weakness as food for him to get stronger for people who summon him now. How to fix  it and to get rid of Aim? Just work on your ability to accept your faults and please understand that you also can be wrong . Also please do NOT wear green, blue, golden, orange , yellow  and red color clothing . Also do not smell sandal aroma now and stay away from the things made of copper. Scorpios are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Naberius
People who are under the risk these days  - those, who have got too strong desire always to look convincing.  Such people suppress  weak ones and they are not able to hear and listen others people opinion.  These days such people are under attack of the demon Naberius. They will pay for their  life attitude. How to avoid it? Just LEARN to LISTEN and to understand other people. And Naberius will stay far from you. Also please do NOT wear violet and red color clothing now and do not use jasmine aroma. Also please do not wear Jewelry made of Silver and do not use things made of Tin now. Scorpios are under the big risk now.  Also do not visit forests with Ash trees.

Influence of  Glasya-Labolas
People who are under the risk these days  - those, who wish to become too much independent and keep their independence by hurting others people. Such people do not respect others personal space. These days Glasya-Labolas demon will hunt for them and punish.  If you do not want to face this demon anger - just work on respecting the other people and  be able to take their help and be  grateful for what they do for you. Also please do NOT wear orange and yellow color clothing now and do not smell storax aroma. Also do not use things made of silver and copper. Sagittarius are under the big risk now.

Influence of Haagenti
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who admire only the external shine and brightness. Who do not see beautiful internal  of people, their soul and smartness.  These days they will pay for such attitude and they will find out that the most beautiful and shiny Apple can be rotten and decayed inside.  Haagenti will help them  to realize that in the very hard and painful way. To avoid this - just learn to see what is hiding inside of everything and stop to be so superficial. Also please do NOT wear orange color clothing now, do not use storax and lavender aroma, do not use Jewelry made of Gold and do not stay in the forests with Hazelnut trees. Cancers should be especially careful now,

Influence of  Crocell
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who are afraid of the unknown future, who act too shy . It is real weakness which can bring you into the trouble, same as if you would be too brave.  You should fight with you fears and shyness and stop being afraid to take a step into the future. If you will not do so by yourself - Crocell will help you now but in the very painful way, using you and your fears as fuel for himself.  Also please do NOT wear now green color clothing and do not use sandal aroma. Also do not use things made of copper . All this details can attract Crocell to you. Leos are under the big risk now.  

If you feel that you do not have any of weaknesses described above - be brave to summon Aim, Naberius, Glasya-Labolas,  Haagenti or Crocell and they will help you if you have some wishes. Take care!

8-15 July



8-15 JULY

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  - Gusion 8-12 July daytime,    Vual - 8-12 July at night, Haagenti 12-15 July at night.

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Gusion
People who are under the risk these days  - those,  who think that they are smarter than others, who make things automatically without thinking and analyzing.  Who are too proud and selfish and think that they know all the things beforehand.  Such people will get into the trouble this days because of attack of the demon Gusion. He need fuel  to get stronger for those, who summon him and its your choice- to become his food or to become the one, who rules him. So you have to work on you personality and to get rid of weakness of this illusion of being most smart. Also please do NOT wear these days yellow color clothing, do not smell sandal aroma and do not use things made of copper.  Cancers are under the biggest risk now.

Influence of  Vual
People who are under the risk these days  - those, who have got fake unity in their life and relations. Who do not realize that harmony- is most important thing in life.  Such people will suffer these days from the consequences of such life attitude because of attack of the demon Vual . You have to work on Harmony in your relations. You must realize that complementarity in any type of unions and relations- it is what you need to be in Harmony. Also please do NOT wear these days green color clothing, do not smell sandal aroma, do not use things made of copper and do not stay near the myrrh plants. It can attract Vual to you. Cancers must be really careful now.

Influence of  Haagenti
People who are under the risk these days  - those, who see only external gloss and shine, who care too much about how they look .. Whose mind is primitive and who "do not look under the book cover". Such people will "be eaten" by Haagenti demon these days. He just needs fuel to  be strong for  people who will summon him and for those, who have got much deeper soul, than described above ones.  You must realize that very  important part of anything  - its Internal things.  Also please do NOT wear these days orange color clothing and do not smell storax and lavender aromas and do not wear jewelry made of gold. Cancers- be aware. 

If you feel that you are really strong person and you do NOT have any of the weaknesses, described above - please be brave enough to summon Gusion , Vual or Haagenti and they will help to make your wishes come truth. 

1-7 July



1-7 JULY

MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Buer 1 July daytime,  Gusion 2-7 July daytime,  Purson 1 July daytime,  Ipos start of July daytime,   Bifrons 1 July at night,  Vual - 2-7 July at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Buer
People who are under the risk these days  - Those, who  care too much about their health and about the  way they look and totally forget about their soul, spirit and who are not working on their mind developing. Such people will face influence of Buer these days, they will suffer now because  have no harmony in life and will realize that strong body and good health worth nothing if you are empty inside. Just work on your mental things these days. Also please do NOT wear orange color clothing now and do not use frankincense aroma, do not use Aloe in your cosmetics and you will be fine and Buer will stay away from you. Cancers are under the biggest risk now. 

Influence of  Gusion

People who are under the risk these days  - Those,  who think that they are smarter than others and that they know everything about life around them. The act automatically  and not able to realize that things are changing every moment  and things are not under the control of logics only and knowledges are getting old every day.  Such people should become more flexible and should doubt more and think more and analyze, otherwise Gusion demon will hunt for them and make them change their mind but in the very tough  way. Work on changing yourself or Gusion will make it for you in the very painful and harmful way. Also please do NOT wear these days yellow color clothing, do not use sandal aroma  - it can attract Gusion to you. Cancers please be especially careful now.

Influence of  Purson
People who are under the risk these days  - Those, who use too much logics in life and the ones who can not understand that real sense of things are the way too far from the logics.  Such people will get hunted by the Purson demon now. How to avoid it? You should just look for the support in your spirit - and you will feel how to understand better the world around you. Just understand please that we are living in the world, full of mysteries and secrets and your logics will never help you much.  Also please do NOT wear  yellow and purple color clothing these days and do not use Frankincense aroma, it can attract Purson to you.  Libras are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Ipos
People who are under the risk these days  - Those, who act too brave and even bully.  Who are not able to admit own defeats. Such people with the help of Ipos will get in trouble these days.   Ipos will use your energy of bully to get strong for the ones, who will summon him and who do not have your type of weakness. How to make Ipos stay away from u ? Just admit that you are ordinary person and you can make mistakes and you are not perfect. You should not always be brave and most smart. Also please do NOT wear these days blue color clothing and do not use sandal and cedar aroma and do not visit forests where these plants grow. Scorpios are under the biggest risk of attack of Ipos now.  

Influence of  Bifrons
People who are under the risk these days  - Those,  who stay in stagnation and who are coming back to their past and live their life there. You should realize that Past- is PAST. You should move on. These days Bifrons can come for you and you will get a lot of problems from your past if you will not stop thinking about it. Just let go the Obsoleted things, breath in the air of new life and be brave to face the future.  Also please do NOT wear red color clothing, do not use things made of copper or silver and stay far from Basil plants or Bifrons will get attracted to you. Cancers are under the biggest risk now. 

Influence of  Vual
People who are under the risk these days  - Those,  who can not keep the balance in their relations, who live in fake unity.  They should work a lot on  complementarity of their  relations, or these people will pay for their attitude these days, when Vual will come for them.  Also please do NOT wear now green color clothing, so do not use sandal aroma and please stay far from Myrrh plant.  Cancers should be really careful now. 

If you feel  that you are strong enough and you do not have weakness , which we discussed today- you can try to summon Buer, Gusion, Purson, Ipos,  Bifrons or Vual.  Just act respectfully and try to ask them to make your wishes come truth. 

Agares the Duke of Hell

Agares the Earth Shaker  Agares is the Greatest Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon.   He rules 31 legions...