24-31 December




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Berith 24-31 December daytime,  Astaroth 31 December daytime,  Orobas 24-26 December at night,  Gremory 27-31 December at night, Zagan 24  December at night,  Haures 24-31 December at night, Andrealphus 31 December at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Berith
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who respect only the Idols. Who have got no own opinion. These days such people will get hunted by the mighty demon Berith and will be used as "fuel" for him to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Berith, but his friend-  please start to think with critics, stop having idols and use your own mind. And while you fight with your weakness, please  do NOT do the things, that can attract Berith to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Heliotrope grows and do not use the things made of copper. Capricorns are under the biggest risk now. 

Influence of  Astaroth
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who have got excessive wish to explore all around.  Such people changed their feelings for the ideas.  These days the mighty demon Astroth will hunt for such people and use their energy for himself to get stronger.  If you do not wish to be used, please work on devirtualization of your Conscience. It will help you to become the friends with Astaroth. And meanwhile, please do not do the things, that can attract Astaroth to you. Please do NOT wear green, brown, red and blue colors clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Laurel grows and do not use the things made of copper.  Capricorns must be really careful now.

Influence of  Orobas
People who are under the risk these days - those,  are getting pleasure from "the Enlightenment".  Such people had stopped their own growing and developing. And these days the powerful demon Orobas will come for them and use their spirits as fuel for himself to get stronger.  If you wish to become the friends with Orobas but not his victim- please  learn to be able to realize your own limits. This will help you to get nice relations with the demon Orobas. And meanwhile please do NOT wear blue color clothing, do not use Cedar aroma, stay far from the places where Bromeliad grows and do not use the things made of tin.  Libras must be really careful now.

Influence of  Gremory
People who are under the risk these days - those,  whom we call "the philanderers". Such people have got too much relations and are using people. These days the mighty demon Gremory will come to them and show them creepy things that will happen to them if they will not stop living such life. If you do not wish to get such hard and painful lesson from him - please start to search for "yours" person. And Gremory will stop hunting for you. And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things that can attract Gremory to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Fenugreek grows, do not use the things made of copper. Libras must be very careful now.

Influence of  Zagan
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who wish to look and to be smarter than they are. Such people talk and think in too complicated way. Often they do not understand by themselves what they talk about.  These days the mighty demon Zagan will come for them and trick their mind in such way, that these people will go crazy and get their mind collapsed.  If you do not wish this to happen-  please think good and realize the REAL current level of your mind and personality. And while you fight with your weakness - please do not do the things , that can attract Zagan to you. Please do NOT wear yellow and orange colors clothing, do not use Frankincense and storax aromas.  Stay far from the places where Hyssop grows.  Also do not wear Golden Jewelry.  Sagittarius must be especially careful now.

Influence of  Haures
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are Impertinent. Who are angry.  Who are not able to control their emotions. These days the demon Haures will come for them and use their anger as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish this to happen - please learn to be able to control yourself.  And while you fight with yourself, please do not let the demon Haures get close to you. For this do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Skullcaps grow, do not use the things made of copper.  Capricorns must be really careful now.

Influence of  Andrealphus
People who are under the risk these days - those,  Who are proud of their title. Who really look like "peacocks". Such people do not respect others.  They humiliate them. These days the mighty demon Andrealphus will punish them for such behaving.  IF you do not wish this to happen - please change yourself.  Please understand the harmony of any type of people existing. If you will not realize this, you will never become friends with Andrealphus.  Meanwhile, please do NOT wear  violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Lotus grows, do not use the things made of silver.  Capricorns must be really careful now.

If you feel that you  do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above- please be brave and summon Berith, Astaroth, Orobas,  Gremory, Zagan, Haures or  Andrealphus. And they are able to make your wishes come true or to help you to reach your life goal. Good luck!

16-23 December




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -   Barbatos 16-21 December  daytime,  Buer 16-21 December daytime, Ronove 16-21 December daytimeBerith 21-22 December daytime,  Camio 16 December at night,  Orobas 22-23 December at night, Zagan 20-23 December at night, Andras 16-21 December at night,  Haures 22-23 December at night.

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Barbatos
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who do NOT respect the Nature. Who only use it but gives nothing in return. Barbatos demon is the most famous nature protector and he will get really mad if you are the one of such bad people, who only use, use and use. These days he will come for such people and use them as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the people, who will summon him ( these people respect nature and are respected by Barbatos). So please stop to confront  with Nature or Barbatos will punish you. Meanwhile  please do NOT do the things that can attract Barbatos to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Ivy grows and do not use the things made of copper. Geminis are under the biggest risk now. 

Influence of  Buer
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who care only about their physical body (health and beauty), but fully forgot about their spirit and mental health. People, who care only about "the book cover". Such people will be punished by the demon Buer these days. He will find them as use their energy to become more powerful. If you do not wish to become the victim of Buer, please start to live in harmony. Care both about your body and soul. And while you work on that - please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma, do not use aloe. All these things attract Buer. And you need this only if you are strong enough to summon him. Cancers must be very careful now.

Influence of  Ronove
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who wish always to look and be important and who pretend "peacocks". Such people depend on the way they look and these days the mighty demon Ronove will smell this weakness and come for such people and use them as "fuel" to get stronger for the powerful people who will summon him.  How to avoid this hard meeting with Ronove? Just please realize that it normal to be funny and even ridiculous. Stop being shy of that. And Ronove will become your friend. And meanwhile please do NOT do the things, that will attract Ronove to you. Do NOT wear  purple color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, do not use cinnamon while cooking and do not use the things made of silver and copper. Sagittarius are under the biggest risk now. 

Influence of  Berith
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who respect only the Idols, who have got no personal opinion. These days the mighty demon Berith will hunt for such people and use their stupidity as "fuel"for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become one of his victims- please work  to get the healthy criticism and own opinion and Berith will become your friend, not enemy. And while you are still weak - please do NOT do the things, that can attract Berith to you. Do not wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma,  stay far from the paces where Heliotrope grows, do not use the things made of copper.  Capricorns must be really careful now. 

Influence of  Camio
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who pretend "peacocks". Who are proud of their wisdom. Such people are fully dependent on their fans and admirers.  These days the wise demon Camio will come to them and show them the real sense of things.  And that people will realize how silly they really are. If you do not wish to get such hard and painful lesson from creepy demon - please think good about your behaving and stop being "peacock like". And meanwhile please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax and lavender aromas, stay far from the places where Wintergreen grows. All these things can attract Camio to you and you are not ready yet to meet him.   Virgos must be really careful now. 

Influence of  Orobas
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who live their lives with the pleasure of the "enlightenment". Who stopped to develop themselves and to grow. These days the mighty demon Orobas will come to them and bring them creepy nightmares or show  in another way why they  live the wrong life.  How to stop Orobas? Just think good and realize your own limits. And you can continue to grow yourself according to them. And meanwhile please do not do the things that can attract Orobas to you - wait till you will become smarter and stronger to meet him. Please do NOT wear blue color clothing, do not use the Cedar aroma, stay far from the places where Bromeliad grows and do not use the things made of Tin. Libras must be really careful now.

Influence of  Zagan
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who desire to look smarter than they really are.  Such people talk and look too complicated and do not understand by themselves what they talk about. These day the wise and powerful demon Zagan will come for them and trick their mind even more. If you do not wish to get your mind collapsed because of that - please think good and realize the current level of your mind and personality and stop being such. And meanwhile please do not do the things, that can attract Zagan to you. Please do NOT wear yellow and orange color clothing, do not use Frankincense and storax aromas, stay far from the places where Hyssop grows and do not wear Golden Jewelry.  Sagittarius must be really careful now.

Influence of  Andras
People who are under the risk these days - those,  whose lives credo is "Divide and rule".  Such people  are constantly loosing their own integrity.  These days the mighty demon Andras  will hunt for them and use them as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now.  If you do not wish this to happen to you - please work to be able to see the unity in the multiplicity.  And while you work to become better  - please do NOT wear purple, violet, red, orange,  black and turquoise colors clothing. Do NOT use patchouli, Jasmine and Blood of Dragon aromas. Stay far from the places where the Juniper grows and do not use the things made of silver.  All these things attract Andras. Sagittarius must be careful now.

Influence of  Haures
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are impertinent.  Who are full of anger and irritable. These days the angry demon Haures will show you what the real Anger is and you will get really scared by him. While you are irritable and angry  - you are the perfect "food" and victim for Haures. He needs your weakness to become stronger.  If you wish to become friends with Haures,  but not his victim- please be able to control yourself, your own emotions. And meanwhile, please do not do the things, that can attract Haures to you.  Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Skullcaps grow and do not use the things made of copper. Capricorns are under the biggest risk now.

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above -please try your luck and summon these days Barbatos, Buer, Ronove, Berith,  Camio, Orobas, Zagan, Andras of Haures and they are able to help you to reach your life goals.  Good luck to you!

8-15 December




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -   Barbatos 8-15 December  daytime,  Buer 8-15 December daytime, Bune 8-12 December daytime, Ronove 8-12 December daytimeCamio 12-15 December at night, Valac 8-12 December at night, Andras 12-15 December at night.

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Barbatos
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are NOT on the same wavelength with the Nature.  Result of this is Overconsumption of nature.  This days this powerful demon Barbatos will come for such people, because he is most  truly nature lover and protector of it. He will use such people as "energy food" for himself to get stronger  for the powerful people who will summon him. If you do not want to become the victim of him, please learn to respect nature and learn to live in harmony. And meanwhile do not do the things that can attract Barbatos to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Ivy grows and do not use the things made of copper. Geminis are under the biggest risk now.

Influence of  Buer
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who care too much about their health and generally  about their physical body. But fully forgot of their spirit and mental health.  These days the powerful and mighty demon Buer will come for them and will "eat" them because he smells their weakness.  You can become victim for the strong people, who are able to summon Buer. If you do not wish this to happen- please start to live in harmony and care both about your health, spirit and soul. And while you work to fix this weakness of yours, please do NOT wear the orange color clothing, do not smell the Frankincense aroma, stay far from Aloe.  Cancers are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Bune
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are too much loyal to the Past. Who are not able able to live right here and right now. Who have got Ossified mind and spirit.  These days the creepy demon Bune will come for them  and use them as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who want to summon him. He feels your weakness ( not ability to think about Future). If you do not wish to become his victim- please  learn to let the things go and to take a step into the future. And meanwhile, please do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma.  Stay far from the Orange trees and do not use the things made of copper.  All these things can attract Bune to you.  And these  things use people to summon him. Sagittarius must be careful now.

Influence of  Ronove
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who wish always to look and be important. Such people are dependent on their own look.  Such people we call "peacocks". These days the powerful demon Ronove will come for them and give them the hard life lesson and will let them down and ruin their pride. If you do not wish to become one of them - please learn to be able to stay funny and even ridiculous.  Do not be afraid of that. And Ronove will not use your spirit for his purposes. And meanwhile, please do NOT do the things, that can attract Ronove to you. Please do NOT wear purple color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, do not use cinnamon and the things made of silver and copper.  Sagittarius must be really careful now.

Influence of  Camio
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who live their lives admiring their own mind and wisdom.   Such people are dependent on their fans and admirers. These days such people will become the perfect "fuel" for the mighty demon Camio. He will use them to become stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. Your weakness - it is his power.  If you do not wish to become his victim - please stop being "peacock like". If you will do that- you can become the friend of Camio. And while you fight with your weakness  to be most wise- please do NOT  do the things attractive for the demon Camio. Do not wear orange color clothing, do not use storax and lavender aromas,  stay far from the places where Wintergreen grows. Virgos must be especially careful now.

Influence of  Valac
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who are afraid to get "dirty". The ones, who keep false purity and always want to stay Saint. These days the powerful demon Valac will come for them and  give them a very hard life lesson and take their spirit as "energy" for himself to get stronger. How to fight this? Just realize please the complexity of the world around you and that your are not able always to stay "pure". And meanwhile please do your best to avoid the meeting with Valac - please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax aroma, do not use Sesame while cooking. Sagittarius must be really careful and attentive now.

Influence of  Andras
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who have got the credo in their lives "Divide and rule". Such people are loosing their own integrity.  There days the demon Andras will hunt for such people and use them as "fuel" to get strong for the people who will summon him. If you do not wish to become his victim - please learn to be able to see the unity in the multiplicity.  And while you are busy with this philosophy, please try to avoid Andras, because you are not ready to meet him now. Please do NOT wear purple, violet, red, orange, black, turquoise colors clothing,  do not use patchouli, Jasmine and Blood of Dragon aromas, do not use the things made of silver. Sagittarius must be careful now.

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above - please try your luck and summon Barbatos, Buer,  Bune, Ronove, Camio, Valac or Andras and they will be glad to assist you and to help you to reach you life goals. Good luck! 

1-7 December




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Barbatos 1-7 December  daytime,  Buer 1-7 December daytime,  Glasya-Labolas 1-2 December daytime, Bune 3-7 December daytime,  Furcas 1-2 December at night, Balam 3-7 December at night,  Valac 3-7 December at night,  Zagan 1-2 December at night. 

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Barbatos
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who overuse the Recourses of Nature. Who does not respect it and think that they can take from nature whatever they want and as much as they want. These days the mighty demon Barbatos will come and use their dirty soul and mind as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people who will summon him. To avoid this - you have to respect nature, to care about it, to keep it clean and secure. And while you fight with  those problems, made by you- please do NOT wear green color clothing,  do not use sandal aroma,  stay far from the places where Ivy grows and do not use the things made of copper. All this attracts Barbatos.  Geminis must be really careful now.

Influence of  Buer
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who care only about their physical  body and  fully forgot about mental health and spirit.  Such people are not living in harmony and NOW the powerful demon Buer will feel and smell it and come for them and use them as "food". He feels this weakness, it attracts him. If you do not wish to become the victim of Buer, but you want to summon him for help - please start to work on harmony of your body and soul.   Meanwhile, please do not do the things that can attract  Buer to you- do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma, stay far from aloe also.  Cancers must be really careful now. 

Influence of  Glasya-Labolas
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who wish to stay too much independent and who hurt in such way others people feelings. These days the tricky and mighty demon Glasya-Labolas will come for them and use them as "fuel" to get strong for the people who want to summon him. If you do not wish to be tricked by this demon - please Respect other people, do not try to stay Always independent and take their help if you feel that you need that. And while you fight with this Pride of yours - please do NOT do the things that can attract Glasya-Labolas to you - do NOT wear  orange and yellow color clothing, do not use storax aroma,  stay far from Rosemary, do not cook dishes with it and stay far from the places where it grows. Also please do NOT use the things made of  copper and silver.  Sagittarius  must be very careful now.

Influence of  Bune
People who are under the risk these days - those,  whose mind is ossified.  Who stuck in their past, who are not able to move on and who are "dead" inside like Zombie, even if they look alive. These days they will become the perfect "fuel" for the powerful demon Bune. He will use this weakness. If you do not wish this to happen- please teach yourself to let the things go. And be brave enough to take the step into the unknown Future.  Meanwhile, please do NOT wear green color clothings, do not use the sandal aroma,  do not eat oranges and also stay far from the places where the orange trees grow.  Also please do not use the things made of copper.  Sagittarius must be careful.

Influence of  Furcas
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who admire too much the wise people, who suppress their own individuality and also the individuality of other people. These days the mighty knight Furcas will come for them and use them just as "fuel". You will become victim for the powerful people who want to summon Furcas. If you do not wish this to happen- please Stop to "murder Buddha in you". Become the Buddha by yourself, but do not look for him somewhere. And while you work on that, please avoid the things, that attract Furcas. Please do NOT wear blue color clothing, do not use the Myrrh aroma, stay far from the bloodroot plant and do not use the things made of lead.  Leos must be really careful now.

Influence of  Balam
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who live their lives in Deviousness.  Who lost their "Internal Axis".  Such people will be hunted by the creepy and powerful demon Balam these days.  If you do not want to face this shocking meeting with the hard life lesson for you and to get mental problems after it - please work on ability to see the discrepancies of your internal spirit. This will help you to live in harmony and to get the fully happy life. And meanwhile please do NOT wear yellow color clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma,  stay far from the oak trees and do not use the Jewelry made of Gold.  Leos must be really careful now.

Influence of  Valac
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who live in the Fake Purity,  who are afraid "to get dirty". Such people will face the unusual demon Valac now and he will give them  hard and really dirty life lessons. You will become the perfect fuel for the powerful people, who wish to summon him.  If you do not wish this to happen,  please realize the Complexity  of the world around.  And that it is impossible to stay "pure" always and always to stay Saint.  While you fight with this weakness, please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax aroma,  do not use sesame seeds while cooking. All this can attract Valac to you. And you need all these only if you will to summon him.  Sagittarius must be careful now.

Influence of  Zagan
People who are under the risk these days - those,  who desire to look smarter than they are. Such people  always like to show  themselves and to shine around.  They think and talk too complicated and often do not understand even by themselves what they talk about now. The demon Zagan will smell this stupidity and come for them and use them as energy fuel to get strong. If you do not wish to become the victim of Zagan - please  think good and realize the real current level of your mind and personality. And meanwhile please do NOT wear  yellow and orange color clothing, do not use Frankincense and storax aromas, stay far from the places where Hyssop grows.  Also do not use the Jewelry made of gold. All these things attract Zagan. Sagittarius- take care!

If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above - please try your luck and summon Barbatos, Buer, Glasya-Labolas, Bune, Furcas, Balam, Valac or Zagan and they are really able to make your wishes come truth. Good luck ! 


Agares the Duke of Hell

Agares the Earth Shaker  Agares is the Greatest Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon.   He rules 31 legions...