MOST ACTIVE DEMONS THESE DAYS are - Berith 24-31 December daytime, Astaroth 31 December daytime, Orobas 24-26 December at night, Gremory 27-31 December at night, Zagan 24 December at night, Haures 24-31 December at night, Andrealphus 31 December at night.
*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS for full understanding the principle of this calendar.
Influence of Berith
People who are under the risk these days - those, who respect only the Idols. Who have got no own opinion. These days such people will get hunted by the mighty demon Berith and will be used as "fuel" for him to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Berith, but his friend- please start to think with critics, stop having idols and use your own mind. And while you fight with your weakness, please do NOT do the things, that can attract Berith to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Heliotrope grows and do not use the things made of copper. Capricorns are under the biggest risk now.
Influence of Astaroth
People who are under the risk these days - those, who have got excessive wish to explore all around. Such people changed their feelings for the ideas. These days the mighty demon Astroth will hunt for such people and use their energy for himself to get stronger. If you do not wish to be used, please work on devirtualization of your Conscience. It will help you to become the friends with Astaroth. And meanwhile, please do not do the things, that can attract Astaroth to you. Please do NOT wear green, brown, red and blue colors clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Laurel grows and do not use the things made of copper. Capricorns must be really careful now.
Influence of Orobas
People who are under the risk these days - those, are getting pleasure from "the Enlightenment". Such people had stopped their own growing and developing. And these days the powerful demon Orobas will come for them and use their spirits as fuel for himself to get stronger. If you wish to become the friends with Orobas but not his victim- please learn to be able to realize your own limits. This will help you to get nice relations with the demon Orobas. And meanwhile please do NOT wear blue color clothing, do not use Cedar aroma, stay far from the places where Bromeliad grows and do not use the things made of tin. Libras must be really careful now.
Influence of Gremory
People who are under the risk these days - those, whom we call "the philanderers". Such people have got too much relations and are using people. These days the mighty demon Gremory will come to them and show them creepy things that will happen to them if they will not stop living such life. If you do not wish to get such hard and painful lesson from him - please start to search for "yours" person. And Gremory will stop hunting for you. And while you fight with your weakness, please do not do the things that can attract Gremory to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Fenugreek grows, do not use the things made of copper. Libras must be very careful now.
Influence of Zagan
People who are under the risk these days - those, who wish to look and to be smarter than they are. Such people talk and think in too complicated way. Often they do not understand by themselves what they talk about. These days the mighty demon Zagan will come for them and trick their mind in such way, that these people will go crazy and get their mind collapsed. If you do not wish this to happen- please think good and realize the REAL current level of your mind and personality. And while you fight with your weakness - please do not do the things , that can attract Zagan to you. Please do NOT wear yellow and orange colors clothing, do not use Frankincense and storax aromas. Stay far from the places where Hyssop grows. Also do not wear Golden Jewelry. Sagittarius must be especially careful now.
Influence of Haures
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are Impertinent. Who are angry. Who are not able to control their emotions. These days the demon Haures will come for them and use their anger as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish this to happen - please learn to be able to control yourself. And while you fight with yourself, please do not let the demon Haures get close to you. For this do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Skullcaps grow, do not use the things made of copper. Capricorns must be really careful now.
Influence of Andrealphus
People who are under the risk these days - those, Who are proud of their title. Who really look like "peacocks". Such people do not respect others. They humiliate them. These days the mighty demon Andrealphus will punish them for such behaving. IF you do not wish this to happen - please change yourself. Please understand the harmony of any type of people existing. If you will not realize this, you will never become friends with Andrealphus. Meanwhile, please do NOT wear violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Lotus grows, do not use the things made of silver. Capricorns must be really careful now.
If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above- please be brave and summon Berith, Astaroth, Orobas, Gremory, Zagan, Haures or Andrealphus. And they are able to make your wishes come true or to help you to reach your life goal. Good luck!