List of demons

72 demons in the Ars Goetia  LIST

Here you can meet and learn story  of every of 72 demons in the Ars Goetia , their philosophy and talents 


  1. Is Pazuzu named by a Goetic Demon? I'm researching the "Zozo" demon, history, roots etc.

    1. Pazuzu is not a Goetic demon. His association with "Abrahamitic" demons starts in 1971 with the book "The Exorcist", and no mentions of him are present in previous occult texts.
      The demon Zozo is likely not connected with Pazuzu, and is mentioned nowhere but in the Dictionnaire Infernal (and even there he isn't given any description). The name was probably made up/revealed (depending on if you believe in demons or not) during the exorcisms.

  2. To mohtbucky1384 & anyone else seeing this who may have questions or would like to discuss demonology, medieval thought & religious practices, late antiquity & ancient religion, spirits/deities, & beliefs, please feel free to direct your emails to:

    & I would be happy to take a look into what you might be interested in or even looking into these days.

    I really enjoyed this website & the enjoyable new art created & posted on here. Thank you very much for taking the time to make this website & put it up.

    I'm happy to receive any emails from people interested in this subject or researching it, as well as to hear stories of people's own experiences while doing so or any other unusual or supernatural seeming stories or experiences, even dreams or thoughts that seemed to pop into the head with certain images, symbols, animals, people with certain appearances or costumes, or whatever else.

    All that is of great interest to me, so please don't hesitate to contact me at regarding any such things, any time.

    Some of the wonderful things people have become interested in, or otherwise have experienced, have really been quite memorable & pleasing, so it is always my pleasure & honor to hear from people around the world about their thoughts & experiences which have to do with this very fun & fascinating topic.

  3. Oh my God! Thank you so much for making & writing such an amazing list! I was try to do a little research about 72 demon of Solomon King and come across your blog, you have no idea how helpful it is for me!
    Side note: if it not too much trouble, do you mind if i ask a question? It is about Azazel, did he belong in one of the 72 demon of Solomon?
    P.s: my English are not that good so plz do excuse me

  4. Pazuzu is indeed mentioned in the Ars Goetia, just not under that name. Pazuzu was the leader of the Babylonian demons and his name was used to exorcise the demons under his control. Who's name is used now? Yahw-h? JeZUes? Hmm.. In the Ars Goetia, Pazuzu = ShemHamephorash or YHWH. If you research the Semitic pantheon from the beginning in Sumer, you'll see that Godship was stolen from Enlil by ANZU aka Pazuzu, the winged lion faced demon.(Lion of Judah/Yaldabaoth/Aion/etc) Marduk was then created as the "container" of the usurped Gods with the 50 names of Marduk. 3rd name of Marduk is Asaruludu, or the "Wielder of the Flaming Sword". The same flaming sword YHWH uses at Eden. Also, when Anzu stole the Tablets of Destiny from El/Enlil he took them to a mountaintop. Moses then meets "G-d" or something, on a mountaintop for the commandments. The Semitic pantheon hasn't changed since Babylon. The only thing that's changed was the names. YHWH was written containing traits of Enlil-Ellil-El-Bel, Enki-Ea-Ia-Yah, Marduk-AmarUtu or Solar Cow/Bull God of the Sun(🤟), Anzu, etc. Marduk (and his 50 names)was never usurped, he was just morphed into YHWH. Be careful who or what you're giving your spiritual energy to!! You don't need intermediaries to connect with the Ultimate Reality/Monad/Source/Absolute/Brahman/Ein Sof/Wujud/etc. Your connection is within yourself!!

  5. AlphaDraconiansarealiens.TheyareSkeksis-like,bird-like,andreptile-like.TherearegoodAlphaDraconiansandevilAlphaDraconians.AlphaDraconiansaregods.GoodAlphaDraconians,andCariansliveinHeaven.Heavenhasabsolutemonarchy,indigenoussocialism/primitivecommunism,andorthodoxTrotskyism/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunism.Heavenhasanindigenoussocialist/primitivecommunistorthodoxTrotskyist/orthodoxoneworlddemocraticcommunistoneworldgovernment.EvilAlphaDraconiansaretheIlluminati.EvilAlphaDraconiansarethefallenangels.Kinninigan,Zin-uru,andKinninigan+zin-uruarethewordsusedtoexposewho’sanAlphaDraconian.God,Yahweh,Jehovah,Allah,Bathala,andtheMonadarethesamebeing.Also,theevilsectariansknowthatChrisHedgesisevilnow.TheMovementforaPeople’sParty:Noprogram,noprinciples,nofuture'snameistheMonad.TheMonad/GodisaTrotskyist/Steinierst/Brennerist.OneofthenamesoftheevilGodisYaldaboth.Yaldaboth/Godisafascist/Mussolinist/Hitlerist.TherecouldoneLucifer/Satan/Sitan.Lucifer/Satan/Sitancouldbegoodandevil.Lucifer/Satan/SitanisalsocalledGoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanGoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanopposestheMonadbecauseLuciferisaNorthite/Healyite/rank-and-filecommitteesupportingsectarian.GoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanalsoopposesYaldaboathbecauseLuciferisaNorthite/Healyite/rank-and-filecommitteesupportingsectarian.GoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanthinksorthodoxTrotskyism/eusocialityisNorthism.ButGoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanalsothinksthatorthodoxTrotskyism/eusocialityistradeunionsupportingcommunism/socialism/eusociality.GoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanisalsocalledEmperorGoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitanGoodAndEvilLucifer/Satan/SitancouldbeaSkeksis-likespot-belliedeagle-owl-likeAlphaDraconian.,likeCoffeatus'illustrationsofthedemonsintheArsGoetia,ispredictiveprogrammingandglimpsesofdifferent universes in the multiverse. Art,likeCoffeatus'illustrationsofthedemonsintheArsGoetia, predicts the future. Zepar,Alloces,Bathin/Nephthys,MurMur/Mathias,Buer,Forcas,Marax,Gaap,Marbas,Botiswanttofeedontheenergyofme,KevinLealJosephGalasinao.I'maVirgo.IwasbornonWednesday,August30,1995.

  6. Today on Friday, August 18, 2023, I learned that Caim/Camio is associated with the Virgo. TO SUMMON CAIM/CAMIO: Tasa on ca Caim renich. So that means Camio wants to feed on my energy. Camio also feeds on Kimberly Galasinao's energy. Camio should be an orthodox Trotskyist/eusocial being.or other demon associated with the Sagittarius. could be Flauros/Haures. Sasha Fierce could be Zepar or another demon associated with the Virgo . Zepar and others demons, like the demon that calls itself Sasha Fierce, associated with the Virgo, feeds on Beyoncé Knowles 's energy. Roman could be Andras or another demon associated with the Sagittarius. Andrasand other demons associated with the Sagittarius, like the demon that calls itself Roman, feeds on Nicki Minaj's energy. I put comments on the Rewilding Kanata/Rewilding Canada Blog. comments on the Rewilding Kanata/Rewilding Canada Blog could be draining my laptop's battery Rhys Lemoine is in Iruope/Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Rebel Land/Europe. Rhys Lemoine is a part of capitalist/Smithist Rewilding Iruope/Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Rebel Land/Europe.I'm in Turtle Island/North America. I don't see any Rewilding Turtle Island/North America. The Northites/Healties/rank-and-file committee supporting sectarians complain about Julian Assange being jail. But if the Northites ruled a sectarian Council Union and Julian Assange exposed war crimes committed by the sectarian Council Union, the Northites would also put Julian Assange in jail. The Northite Council Union could invade India to create a Northite India. The Council War in India would be similar to the Soviet War in Afghanistan.TheorthodoxTrotskyistsshouldputthejaguarinOrthodoxTrotskyistOnitariiotoserveasaproxyfothePleistocenejaguar.ColeSwansonshouldsupportepochrewildinglikePleistocenerewilding.Myfriendsnakes,inthisvideo,areDekay'sbrownsnakes.,animals,remindmeofabeautifulquote.Ireadthequoteinthebook,BirdsOfToronto:AGuidetotheirRemarkableWorld.AQuoteFromRobertBatemanFromThinkingLikeAMountainPenguinBooks(2000)“Overtheyears,I’veoftenspokenaboutoneofthemostmemorableexperiencesofmychildhoodAlso,Robert Bateman should also be an orthodox Trotskyist/eusocial being.

  7. There are angels, in the Shem HaMephorash, who are opposites of demons in the Ars Goetia. Hakamiah is the opposite of Zepar. The teamsters members, at UPS, should create an orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox one place government/one world government, democracy trade union supporting communist/eusocial one world government. Caliel is the opposite of Bathin. Angels, in the Shem HaMephorash like Hakamiah and Caliel, are orthodox Trotskyists/orthodox one world government, democracy, and trade union supporting communists/eusocial beings.

    In my predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse, Kundaliel andGood And Evil Lucifer/Satan/Sitan's Zodiac Sign are Ophiuchus.

    One of the reasons that Yaldaboath/Evil Fascist God/the Old Testament God and Flauros/Haures could be the same being is because they're both jealous.

    Demons, associated the Capricorn like Kimaris, fed on Adolf Hitler's energy.

    Demons, associated with the Cancer like Vual/Uvall/Voval, feed on Julian Assange's energy.

    The Northites/Healyties/rank-and-file committee supporting sectarians complain about Julian Assange being in jail. But if the Northites/sectarian ruled a Northite/sectarian Council Union and Julian Assange exposed war crimes committed by the sectarian Council Union with this Wikileaks, the Northites would also put Julian Assange in jail. The Northite Council Union could invade India to create a Northite India. The Council War in India would be similar to the Soviet War in Afghanistan. But the Northite Council Union could get defeated by the Aragala karannan. The Aragala karannan are the Hindu version of Mujahideen/Mujahidin.


  8. In my predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse, Kundaliel andGood And Evil Lucifer/Satan/Sitan's Zodiac Sign are the Ophiuchus.


  9. There could be one Hellion Illuminati. Since there's demons who are good and evil, the Hellion Illuminati is also called the Good and Evil Hellion Illuminati. Demons, like the demons in the Ars Goetia, should be orthodoxTrotskyists/orthodoxoneplacegovernment/oneworldgovernment,democracy,andtradeunionsupportingcommunists/socialists/eusocialbeings. Zepar,Alloces,Bathin/Nephthys,MurMur/Mathias,Buer,Forcas,Marax,Gaap,Marbas,Botiswanttofeedontheenergyofme,KevinLealJosephGalasinao.I'maVirgo.IwasbornonWednesday,August30,1995.Kimberly was also born on August 30. Kimberly Galasinao was born on August 30, 2003. Kimberly Galasinao is my sister. Zepar,Alloces,Bathin/Nephthys,MurMur/Mathias,Buer,Forcas,Marax,Gaap,Marbas,Botis feed on the energy of Kimberly Galasinao. Asmoday Pepito Galasinao was born on May 7 1961 Marcela Aquino Galasinao was born on February 1 1960 Marcela Aquino Galasinao is my mother. Pepito Galasinao is my father Marcy Galasinao is an Aquarius. Pepito Galasinao is a Taurus Marbas is associated with the Taurus. Marcela Aquino Galasinao is an Aquarius. Asmoday is associated with the Aquarius.LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich BronsteinisaLeo.LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronsteinwasbornon November 07, 1879LerageisassociatedwiththeLeo.LeragewantedtofeedontheLeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein.JosephVissarionovichStalin/ Ioseb Besarionis dze JughashviliisaSagittarius. JosephVissarionovichStalin/ Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili was born on December 6, 1878. AndrasisassociatedwiththeSagittarius.AndrasfedontheenergyofJosephVissarionovichStalin/Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. Kapre/agta/Sasquatch/Bigfeet will get to eat animals used to rewild the Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Parishad/Soviet/Council Union like the golden takin.

  10. Yaldabaoth could be Buer. Buer wants to feed on my energy. Buer should be an orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox one place government/one world government,democracy,and trade union supporting communist/socialist/eusocial being. TO SUMMON BUER: Erato on ca Buer anon. Black Witch S/Savannah should also be an orthodox Trotskyist. Bathin/Bathym/Mathim/Marthim/Nephthys/Nebet-Het/Νέφθυς should be an orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial being. Bathin/Nephthys/Nebet-Het/Νέφθυς should supporting Egyptian مجلس/Majlis Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic. Bathin/Nephthys/Nebet-Het/Νέφθυς should be an orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial being. Bathin/Nephthys/Nebet-Het/Νέφθυς should support epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding. The cheetah is extirpated in Egypt. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the African cheetah in the Egyptian مجلس/Majlis Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic. Bathin/Bathym/Mathim/Marthim/Nephthys/Nebet-Het/Νέφθυς should support an Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Soviet/Council Union/Vtoroy Soviet Union/Second Council Union. Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Soviet/Council Union/Vtoroy Soviet Union/Second Council Union will the end Men Who Rowso/Russo-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War because Men Who Rowsia and Ukraine/West Borderland/Borderland will be a part of the Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Soviet/Council Union.. In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse, if there are Alpha Draconians and Zeta Reticulans, there could be other aliens who's first names are the name of a Greek alphabet. There are Beta Cephalopodians Gamma Baboonians Delta Slime Moldians Episilon Eridanians

  11. Also, I published these comments on the Rewilding Kanata/Rewilding Canada Blog.

    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 9:27 am
    Evil economic system supporting humans, like evil capitalist/Smithists, have short attention spans.


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 9:35 am
    Unfortunately, most humans are a part of the cult of celebrities. Humans worship evil economic system supporting celebrities. Evil economic system supporting celebrities will immediately attract people's attention. That means that if you want to epoch rewilding, like Pleistocene rewilding, in evil economic system supporting countries, like evil capitalist/Smithist countries, you have use celebrities.

    Progressive liberal capitalist/Smithist Chris Hedges knows about the cult of celebrities.
    The Cult Of The Self - Sustainable Human District Of Columbia Telework Tutorial The Cult Of The Self Speaker Chris Hedges Theme Stories That Explain Our Unsustainable Society Topic Capitalism, Consumer Culture Why is worshipping celebrities so destructive to both ourselves and our world? About the video Transcript About the speaker Impact More info
    Sexy neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Chris Hemsworth was used to put Tasmanian devils in capitalist/Smithist monarchist Uthuru/Australia.


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 9:37 am
    The Tasmanian devil is also called the Lutruwitan devil.


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 10:11 am
    So use neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Seth Rogan to put the Hay's tapir capitalist Canada to serve


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 11:55 am
    I made a mistake. I wrote "So use neoliberal centrist capitalist/Smithist Seth Rogan to put the Hay's tapir capitalist Canada to serve"

    I should've wrote "So use sexy centrist neoliberal capitalist/Smithist Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham to put the mountain tapir in KanatianZagaswe'idiwin/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist Republic/TrotskyistKanata/Warioist Canada/OneWorldGovernment,Democracy,AndUnionSupportingCommunist/Socialist/EusocialKanata/theCanadianCouncil/CounseilTrotskyistRepublicofCanada/TrotskyistCanada/Warioist Canada to serve as a proxy for Hay's tapir/the giant tapir.


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 11:58 am
    Also, a Trotskyist is called Trotskian.

    Also, celebrities, like Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham, should be orthodox Trotskyists/Trotskians/eusocial beings/Warioists.

    That means that if you want to do epoch rewilding, like Pleistocene rewilding, in the United Trotskyist/Eusocial States of the Places and evil economic system supporting countries, you have to use celebrities.


    Kevin Galasinao8/18/2023 11:58 am
    Also, a Trotskyist is called a Trotskian.

  12. I should've wrote "So use sexy centrist neoliberal capitalist/Smithist Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham to put the mountain tapir in KanatianZagaswe'idiwin/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist Republic/TrotskyistKanata/Warioist Kanata/OnePlaceGovernment/OneWorldGovernment,Democracy,AndUnionSupportingCommunist/Socialist/EusocialKanata/theCanadianCouncil/CounseilTrotskyistRepublicofCanada/TrotskyistCanada/Warioist Canada to serve as a proxy for Hay's tapir/the giant tapir.

    Also, Drake/Aubrey Drake Graham should make a rap song/predictive programming son/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse song about why orthodox Trotskyism/eusociality and epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding are good."

  13. Lerage wanted to feed on the energy of Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein.


  14. I live near the West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum. It would be cool to see a rewilded West Humber River Recreational Trail/Humber Valley/Humber Arboretum.

    Vladimir Lenin said that fascism is capitalism/Smithism in decay.

    Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism is also called National Decaying Capitalism/Naverpi/Nationaler verfallender Kapitalismus,
    National National Decaying Smithism/Naverthism/Nationaler verfallender Smithismus,
    National Bureaucratic State Capitalism/Nationalbürokratischer Staatskapitalismus/Nabürstaatpism. A Nazi/National Socialist/Hitler supporting fascist is also called a Nabürstaatpi/National Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Nationalbürokratischer Staatskapitalist A Nazi/National Socialist/Hitler supporting fascist is also called a Nabürstaatthi/National Bureaucratic State Smithist/Nationaler bürokratischer Staatsschmied Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism is also called National Bureaucratic State Smithism/Nabürstaatthism/Nationaler bürokratischer Staatssmithismus.

    Socialism isn't Nazism/National Socialism/Hitler supporting fascism.

    Nazi Germany is also called National Bureaucratic State Capitalist Germany/National bürokratischer Staatsschmied Germany/Nabürstaatpist Germany/Nabürstaatthi Germany.

    Socialism isn't Northism/rank-and-file committee sectarianism.

  15. Rhys Lemoine knows that most capitalist/Smithist Turtle Islanders/North Americans don't care about Pleistocene rewilding. Most capitalist/Smithist I, Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao the orthodox trade union supporting Trotskyist, care about epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding.

    Rhys Lemoine knows that most capitalist/Smithist the Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans care about Pleistocene rewilding. Rhys Lemoine knows that most MenWhoRowsians/Russians care about Pleistocene rewilding.

    There should be a United Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocialist States of the Places. The Iruopean/Slumil K'ajxemk'opean/Rebel Landian/European Rat/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic will be a part of the United Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocialist States of the Places.

    The orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put the cougar in the Iruopean/Slumil K'ajxemk'opean/Rebel Landian/European Rat/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic to serve as a proxy for Owen's panther.|OrangutanHabitatProject,liketheTkarontoZoo/TorontoZooshouldpromoteorthodoxTrotskyism.TheUnitedOrthodoxTrotskyistStatesofthePlaces/UnitedOrthodoxOneWorldGovernmentAndDemocracySupportingCommunistStatesofthePlacesisalsocalledtheVtoroySovieUnion,SecondSovietUnion,SecondCouncilUnion,PangalawaKonsehoUnion,andUnitedFirebrandistStatesofthePlaces.Also,epochrewildinglikePleistocenerewilding,cansavetheenvironment.Also,environmentallyfriendlyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneandbiodiesel,cansavetheenvironment.MycombinationofGreen/NorthandStalinisalsocalledJosephSteen,JosephStorthmandJosephGreelin.EXPOSED!Zinovievism/Bolshevizationism/partydespotismsialscalledTeizpartiynykhdespotovism.AlexSteinercouldbeevil.AlexSteinercouldbeatradeunionsupportingZinovievist.ExilioRojothinksAlexSteinerisevil.

  16. ExilioRojo avatar

    3 yr. ago
    "Abandonment of dialectics" is not a class analysis. When Trotsky polemicized against Shachtman, Burnham, and the rest about their renegacy on the Russian question, he did note that they abandoned a dialectical analysis of the Soviet Union. But he understood that this abandonment was facilitated by their social position as middle-class professors and intellectuals (as the splitters overwhelmingly were), who were intensely vulnerable to the outrage of the rest of the middle class in the US after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact. The Steiner/Brenner stuff shows that these SEP splinters can't even do a Marxist analysis of their own former organization, not to mention an analysis of current events and bigger historical questions.





    AlexSteiner could be a trade union supporting SectarianInequalityParty/SocialistEqualityPartyisanevilrank-and-filecommitteesupportingZinovievist/Bolshevizationist/partydespotleadershipfaction-gangsupportingSectarianInequalityParty/Socialist Equality Party splinter. I put good truthful sacred shamanistic comments on Alex Steiner's Permanent Revolution website. But the comments didn't appear in the comments section. Alex Steiner and Frank Brenner could be doing censorship. I put the comments in the descriptions of my certain photoshop art/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse.

    Unfortunately, evil economic system supporting Iruopeans/Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans, like capitalist/Smithist Iruopeans/Slumil K'ajxemk'opeans/Rebel Landians/Europeans care more about waging wars, like the Men Who Rowso/Russo-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War, than Pleistocene rewilding. Also, evil economic system supporting Men Who Rowsians/Russians, like capitalist/Smithist Men Who Rowsians/Russians care more about waging wars, like the Men Who Rowso/Russo-West Borderlandian/Borderlandian/Ukrainian War, than Pleistocene rewilding.

  17. Zepar should be an orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox one world government,democracy supporting,and trade union supporting communist/socialist/eusocial being/Colonel Sandersist To summon Zepar: Lyan Ramec catya Zepar Veparcould be a Amburayan river mermaid. There's an Amburayan river mermaid who has a house in the Amburayan river. The mirrors in her home could be portals to Hell. Zepar should promote epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the plains zebra in the Turtle Islander/North American Zagaswe'iwe/Soviet/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Government, Democracy, Trade Union Supporting Communist/Socialist/Eusocialist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Republic.


    Kevin Galasinao8/17/2023 10:47 pm
    Alex Steiner could be a trade union supportingZinovievist/Bolshevizationist/partydespotleadershipfaction-gangsupportingSectarianInequalityParty/Socialist Equality Party splinter.


    Kevin Galasinao8/17/2023 10:57 pm
    The orthodox Trotskyists should put the plains zebra in the Turtle Islander/North American Zagaswe'iwe/Soviet/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Government, Democracy, Trade Union Supporting Communist/Socialist/Eusocialist/Eusocial/Colonel Sandersist Republic to serve as a proxy for Hagerman's horse.

    If Alex Steiner is evil, he's like Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev.
    Yaldaboath could be Belial.
    Paimon feeds on George Ralph Noory's/George Noory energy.

  19. Paimon feeds on George Ralph Noory's/George Noory's energy. Sasha Fierce Demon in Beyoncé on Stage - YouTube
    Was Nicki Minaj Possessed by Demon in Grammy Performance 2012?

  20. Trotskyismisalsocalledenvironmentprotectingeusociality.TrotskyistsarealsocalledecoTrotskyists,environementsupportingTrotskyists,andenvironmentsupportingeusocialbeings.DufferinStreetisalsocalledMakade- Eko-nisingBakiseStreet.StevenCandaeislivesinMakade-Eko-nisingBakiseStreet/DufferinStreet.Anexorcistisalsocalledatobindwithanoathist.StevenCandaeistoldmethatifyouwanttobeatobindwithanoathist/exorcist,youhavetobechosen.Theycheckyourbackground.Theysendtoapsychiatristtoseeifyou'rementallyill.Theywanttoknowifyouhavepowersliketheabilitytoseeintothefutureandcontactwithdemons.Yaldabaoth/Pazuzu(Akkadian:𒀭𒅆𒊒𒍪𒍪,romanized:pà.zu.zu;alsocalledFazuzuorPazuza)[2/BelialoranotherdemonintheArsGoetiashouldbeanorthodoxTrotskyist/eusocialbeing/eusocialbeing.PazuzucouldbeYaldabaoth.Yaldabaoth/PazuzucouldbeBelial.OrYaldabaoth/PazuzucouldbeoneofthelionheadeddemonsintheArsGoetialikeOrias.OrYaldabaoth/PazuzucouldbeFlauros/Haures.NergalcouldbeMalphas.Nergal(Sumerian:𒀭𒄊𒀕𒃲[1] dKIŠ.UNUordGÌR.UNU.GAL/Malphas,oranotherdemonintheArsGoetia,shouldbeanorthodoxTrotskyist/eusocialbeing.Movies,likeExorcist:Believer,couldbepredictiveprogrammingandaglimpseofadifferentuniverseinthemultiverse.Movies,likeExorcist:Believer,predictsthefuture.TheorthodoxTrotskyistsshouldputtheSiberiantigerintheMesopatamian/Babylonian/Iraqi مجلس/MajlisOrthodoxTrotskyist/EusocialRepublictoserveasaproxyfortheCaspiantiger.TheTrotsshouldputthealsoputtheBengaltigerintheMesopatamianTrotRepublictoserveasaproxyfortheCaspiantiger.. TheorthodoxTrotskyistsshouldalsoputthereddeerandchitaldeerintheIraqiOrthodoxTrotskyist/EusocialRepublic.TheSiberiantigereatsthereddeer.Evilpoliticians,liketheNorthites/Healyites/rank-and-filecommitteesupportingsectarians/rank-and-filecommitteesupportingZinovievists,serveOrobas.AlexSteinercouldbeatradeunionsupportingZinovievist.FrankBrennercouldalsobeatradeunionsupportingZinovievist.Coffeatus'illustrationsofthedemonsintheArsGoetia,ispredictiveprogrammingandglimpsesofdifferent universes inthemultiverse.Art,likeCoffeatus'illustrationsofthedemonsintheArsGoetia,predictsthefuture.IputsacredshamanisticcommentsonCoffeatus'website.,associatedwiththeTauruslikeMarbasandFocalor,feedontheenergyofCharles III/Charles PhilipArthurGeorge,JustinTrudeau,andPepitoGalasinao.DemonsassociatedwiththeAquariuslikeAsmodayandBelialfedontheeenergyofRamonMerceder.DemonsassociatedwiththeAquariuslikeAsmodayandBeliafeedontheenergyofEllenDegeneresandMarcelaGalasinao.Demons,associatedwiththeGeminilikePaimon,feedonPierrePoilievre'senergy.Trotskyism is also called anti-money eusocialityMyfriendsnakeisaDekay'sbrownsnake.

  21. Theysendyoutoapsychiatristtoseeifyou'rementallyill.


    Eduard Limonov was an evil fascist/Mussolinist/Hitlerist.

  22. Trotskyismisalsocalledenvironmentprotectingeusociality.TrotskyistsarealsocalledecoTrotskyists,environementsupportingTrotskyists,andenvironmentsupportingeusocialbeings.Today on August 20,LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein died. When Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich was alive, he should've supported epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding. Ramón Mercader/Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río killed Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich with an ice axe/ice pick. Ramón Mercader/Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río was an Aquarius. Demons, associated with the Aquarius like Asmoday/Asmodeus, fed on Ramón Mercader's/Jaime Ramón Mercader del Río's energy.Meganterons adroveri's/Irusian dirk-toothed cat's/SLUMASIAN dirk-toothed cat's/SLUMasian dirk-toothed cat's/Rebasian dirk-toothed cat's/Tiasian dirk-toothed cat's/Eurasian dirk-toothed cat's closest relative could be the clouded leopard. The orthodox Trotskyists should put the meganteron adroveri/Irusian dirk-toothed cat-clouded leopard hybrid in the Irusian/SLUMASIAN/SLUMasian/Rebasian/Tiasian/Eurasian Soviet/Rada/საბჭო Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic to serve as a proxy for meganteron adroveri/Irusian dirk-toothed cat.The orthodox Trotskyists should also put the clouded leopard in the Irusian/SLUMASIAN/SLUMasian/Rebasian/Tiasian/Eurasian Soviet/Rada/საბჭო Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republic to serve as a proxy for meganteron. Bechemiron is a demon. Bechemiron is also associated with the Aquarius. Ramón Mercader/Jaime Ramón Mercader del RíoislikeBechemiron.ThePlacianTrotFederationisalsocalledthePlacianOrthodoxTrotskyistFederation,PlacianEusocialFederation,PlacianFederation,GalacticOrthodoxTrotskyistFederation,GalacticTrotFederation,GalacticEusocialFederation,andGalacticFederation.HaimEshedknowsthatthePlacianOrthodoxTrotskyistFederation/GalacticOrthodoxTrotskyistFederationexists. ATrotskistisalsocalledaTrot.AStalinistisalsocalledaStal.OrthodoxTrotskyismisalsocalledorthodoxeusociality. orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put thePyreneanibex-domesticgoatintheCatalonianConsellOrthodoxTrotskyist/EusocialRepublictoserveasasaproxyforthePyreneanibex.TheTrotsalsoput thejaguarintheIrusian/SLUMASIAN/SLUMasian/Rebasian/Tiasian/Eurasian Soviet/Rada/საბჭო Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Republictoserveasaproxyformeganteron adroveri/theIrusiandirk-toothedcat.IftherewasawarbetweenOrthodoxTrotskyist/EusocialMexicoandtheStalinistSovietUnion,theStalinistRedArmywoulduseiceaxes/icepicks.TheOrthodoxTrotskyist/eusocialAnáhuacan/Ahahuacan/MexicanArmywantstokilltheStalinistRedArmysoldierslikehowtheLeninist/Trotskyist/eusocialRedArmykilledKronstandtanarchists.Demons,associatedwithPisceslikeDantalion,fedonMikhailSergeyevichGorbachev'senergy.GeorgeKnapp,LisaGarr,andIanPunettshouldbeorthodoxTrotskyists/eusocialbeings.


    Trotskyism is also called Colonel Sanderism. Leon Trotsky looks similar to Colonel Sanders. Stalinism is also called Pringlesism.
    Joseph Stalin looks similar to the Pringles logo.

  23. I made a mistake. I wrote "Today on August 20,LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein died." I should've wrote "Today on August 21,LeonTrotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein died."


    The demon most likely to posses me, Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao is Yaldabaoth/Pazuzu(Akkadian:𒀭𒅆𒊒𒍪𒍪,romanized:pà.zu.zu;alsocalledFazuzuorPazuza/Belial or one of other the demons in the Ars Goetia/Jesus.

    A Trot is also called a Bronsteinist and Bron.

    A Stal is also called a Jughashvilist and Jug.

  24. Dufferin Street is also called Makade- Eko-nising Bakise Street. Steven Candaeis lives in Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street.

    Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street needs orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox eusociality.

    Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street also needs epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding.

  25. Ariel is the angel of animals.

    Barbatos is the demon of nature.

    Ariel and Barbatos support epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding.

    Ariel and Barbatos also support de-extinction.

    Ariel and Barbatos also support invasive species.

    Toronto is also called Tkaronto.

    The orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put the gray fox in Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street.

    The orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put the passenger pigeon-band-tailed pigeon hybrid in Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street.

    The orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings should put the common wall lizard in Orthodox Trotskyist/Eusocial Makade-Eko-nising Bakise Street/Dufferin Street.

    Also, British Columbia is called Illaheechuk and Illahee Chuk.

    bcreptiles is also called ireptiles and icreptiles.

    Also, the orthodox Trotskyists should put the golden takin in the KanatianZagaswe'idiwin/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist Republic/TrotskyistKanata/Warioist Kanata/OneWorldGovernment,Democracy,AndUnionSupportingCommunist/Socialist/EusocialKanata/theCanadianCouncil/CounseilTrotskyistRepublicofCanada/TrotskyistCanada/Warioist Canada to serve as a proxy for Sitting Bull's giant ground sloth/Jefferson's giant ground sloth.


Agares the Duke of Hell

Agares the Earth Shaker  Agares is the Greatest Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia Demons of the Lesser Key of Solomon.   He rules 31 legions...