16-23 February
MOST ACTIVE DEMONS THESE DAYS are - Gaap 16-18 February daytime, FurFur 19-23 February daytime, Amdusias 19-23 February at night, Andrealphus 9-13 February at night, Decarabia 16-18 February at night, Seere 19-23 February at night.
*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS for full understanding the principle of this calendar.
Influence of Gaap
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are despotic. Who wish always to be the main person everywhere they appear. Such people do not respect the other ones. These days the powerful demon Gaap will come and use their spirit as "fuel" to make himself stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become one of them - please learn to respect the other people. If you will not do so- you will pay for this. And meanwhile you have to hide from the demon Gaap. Please do not do the things, that can attract him to you. Please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax aroma, stay far from the places where the Moss grows and do not use the things made of Tin. Aquariuses must be very careful now.
Influence of FurFur
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are Mercantile. Who made the Marriage of Convenience. Such people will get into the trouble these days, because the demon FurFur is active now and looks for the "energy" to become stronger. Your weak points ( being mercantile) its his food. If you do not wish to become his victim - please learn to respect the other people feelings. And meanwhile please do NOT do the things, that will attract FurFur to you. Please do NOT wear red color clothing (FurFur likes it), do not use aroma "the Blood of Dragon", stay far from the places where Cypress grows and do not use the things made of copper and silver. Pisces must be especially attentive now.
Influence of Amdusias
People who are under the risk these days - those, who enjoy the Gloss of their Smartness. Such people are afraid to loose the Coherence of Systems of their Mind. These days the powerful demon Amdusias will hunt for them and use their weakness as "energy" to get stronger for the mighty people, who summon him now. If you do not want to get hunted by this demon - you have to learn to be able to see the Contradictions everywhere. And meanwhile please do NOT do the things, that can attract this demon to you. Please do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use Sandal aroma, stay far from the places where the Mimosa grows and do not use the things made of copper. Aquariuses - take care!
Influence of Andrealphus
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are too proud of their High Title in Life. Such people do not respect and humiliate the weak ones. These days the powerful demon Andrealphus will come for them and use their pride as "energy fuel" for himself to get stronger for the people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become punished by Andrealphus - please understand the Harmony of any kind of people existing. And meanwhile please do not do the things that can attract this demon to you. Please do NOT wear violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where the Lotus grows and do not use the things made of silver. Capricorns must be careful these days more than other people.
Influence of Decarabia
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are not able to stop "to fly with the ideas". They are forever dreamers, who are not able to live in real life. Such people are loosing the tactical thinking. They are "Project alike" persons. These days the powerful demon Decarabia will come for them and use their energy as power for themself to get stronger. If you do not wish this to happen, you have to become more pragmatic. And while you try to do that - please do not wear violet color clothing ( it attracts Decarabia), do not smell Jasmine aroma, stay far from the places where Lunaria grows and do not use the things made of Silver. Aquariuses must be especially careful now.
Influence of Seere
People who are under the risk these days - those, who try to get wealthy life, but neglect the Conscience growth. Such people will be hunted by the powerful demon Seere these days. He needs their greedy spirit to become stronger. If you do not wish this to happen and you wanna to become the friend of Seere, but not his food, you have to be able to combine the material and the spiritual things. And while you try to change yourself, please do not do the things, that can attract Seere to you. Please do NOT wear blue color clothing, do not use Cedar aroma, stay far from the places where the Willow grows and do not use the things made of Tin. Pisces must be really careful now.
If you feel, that you do not have any kind of weaknesses, described above - try your luck and summon Gaap, FurFur, Amdusias, Andrealphus, Decarabia or Seere and they are able to help you to reach your life goals and make your dreams come true. Good luck to you!
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