8-15 December
MOST ACTIVE DEMONS THESE DAYS are - Barbatos 8-15 December daytime, Buer 8-15 December daytime, Bune 8-12 December daytime, Ronove 8-12 December daytime, Camio 12-15 December at night, Valac 8-12 December at night, Andras 12-15 December at night.
*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS for full understanding the principle of this calendar.
Influence of Barbatos
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are NOT on the same wavelength with the Nature. Result of this is Overconsumption of nature. This days this powerful demon Barbatos will come for such people, because he is most truly nature lover and protector of it. He will use such people as "energy food" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people who will summon him. If you do not want to become the victim of him, please learn to respect nature and learn to live in harmony. And meanwhile do not do the things that can attract Barbatos to you. Do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Ivy grows and do not use the things made of copper. Geminis are under the biggest risk now.
Influence of Buer
People who are under the risk these days - those, who care too much about their health and generally about their physical body. But fully forgot of their spirit and mental health. These days the powerful and mighty demon Buer will come for them and will "eat" them because he smells their weakness. You can become victim for the strong people, who are able to summon Buer. If you do not wish this to happen- please start to live in harmony and care both about your health, spirit and soul. And while you work to fix this weakness of yours, please do NOT wear the orange color clothing, do not smell the Frankincense aroma, stay far from Aloe. Cancers are under the big risk now.
Influence of Bune
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are too much loyal to the Past. Who are not able able to live right here and right now. Who have got Ossified mind and spirit. These days the creepy demon Bune will come for them and use them as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who want to summon him. He feels your weakness ( not ability to think about Future). If you do not wish to become his victim- please learn to let the things go and to take a step into the future. And meanwhile, please do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma. Stay far from the Orange trees and do not use the things made of copper. All these things can attract Bune to you. And these things use people to summon him. Sagittarius must be careful now.
Influence of Ronove
People who are under the risk these days - those, who wish always to look and be important. Such people are dependent on their own look. Such people we call "peacocks". These days the powerful demon Ronove will come for them and give them the hard life lesson and will let them down and ruin their pride. If you do not wish to become one of them - please learn to be able to stay funny and even ridiculous. Do not be afraid of that. And Ronove will not use your spirit for his purposes. And meanwhile, please do NOT do the things, that can attract Ronove to you. Please do NOT wear purple color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma, do not use cinnamon and the things made of silver and copper. Sagittarius must be really careful now.
Influence of Camio
People who are under the risk these days - those, who live their lives admiring their own mind and wisdom. Such people are dependent on their fans and admirers. These days such people will become the perfect "fuel" for the mighty demon Camio. He will use them to become stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. Your weakness - it is his power. If you do not wish to become his victim - please stop being "peacock like". If you will do that- you can become the friend of Camio. And while you fight with your weakness to be most wise- please do NOT do the things attractive for the demon Camio. Do not wear orange color clothing, do not use storax and lavender aromas, stay far from the places where Wintergreen grows. Virgos must be especially careful now.
Influence of Valac
People who are under the risk these days - those, who are afraid to get "dirty". The ones, who keep false purity and always want to stay Saint. These days the powerful demon Valac will come for them and give them a very hard life lesson and take their spirit as "energy" for himself to get stronger. How to fight this? Just realize please the complexity of the world around you and that your are not able always to stay "pure". And meanwhile please do your best to avoid the meeting with Valac - please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax aroma, do not use Sesame while cooking. Sagittarius must be really careful and attentive now.
Influence of Andras
People who are under the risk these days - those, who have got the credo in their lives "Divide and rule". Such people are loosing their own integrity. There days the demon Andras will hunt for such people and use them as "fuel" to get strong for the people who will summon him. If you do not wish to become his victim - please learn to be able to see the unity in the multiplicity. And while you are busy with this philosophy, please try to avoid Andras, because you are not ready to meet him now. Please do NOT wear purple, violet, red, orange, black, turquoise colors clothing, do not use patchouli, Jasmine and Blood of Dragon aromas, do not use the things made of silver. Sagittarius must be careful now.
If you feel that you do NOT have any kind of weaknesses, told above - please try your luck and summon Barbatos, Buer, Bune, Ronove, Camio, Valac or Andras and they will be glad to assist you and to help you to reach you life goals. Good luck!
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