Marbas the President of Hell

Marbas -  "Healer - taxidermist"  

Marbas is the Great President of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon. He rules 36 legions of spirits.

Marbas the president of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon
Artwork by Coffeatus

He appears as  The Lion with human strong body . He is handsome and smart. 
Looks like Marbas is the most useful demon for all the technologists  people of planet - because he can teach you how to solve Any mechanical problem with any mechanism or even will help you to invent something totally new. I am sure he is great programmer too and can help you even to hack the Pentagon and NASA sites. 
Or to invent some totally another type of machines like Tesla. 
Marbas also is able to heal any of diseases .  As you see, he is always keeping with him bottle with magical Medicine, so he is ready to assist you.
Also Marbas is able to send on you any awful disease if he will he gets mad on you. So better respect him.
Marbas knows everything about all the hidden things.  Talk to him and he will share secrets with you.
I would like to call for Marbas to find solution from the cancer for humanity and currently to know the real reason of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and why it really appeared and who stands behind it. And of course how to heal people. 
He can help almost with anything in life- because we all depend on mechanical  things, we all want to be healthy  and we all need wisdom that he owns. 

This is the sigil of the demon Marbas  . The direct instructions of how  to call for him were written in the Lesser Key of Solomon / Goetia.

Marbas sigil

BEST time to call for : 30 April  - 9 May, day time. 
TITLE:              the President
ELEMENT:       air
PLANET:          Mercury
METAL:            mercury 
PLANT:            chicory    
COLOR:          Black, golden, orange, grey-blueish 
AROMA:         storax
ZODIAC:         taurus
TO SUMMON: Renich tasa uberace biasa icar Marbas.


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