Botis the President and the Earl of Hell

Botis - the Serpent - shapeshifter.

Botis is the Great president and the Earl  of Hell in the Ars goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon. He rules 60 spirits.

Botis the  President and the Earl of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon
Artwork by Coffeatus

 He is one of the demons who have got two titles - the President and the Earl .  He appears as a ugly Viper or snake but after summoning him , he turns into the creepy man with the horns and scary huge and sharp teeth.  Snake is the symbol of  immortality, of the connection between earth and water elements and of the fertility.   Botis is quite friendly for the magician but he hates the ones, who call for him only to ogle him , because they wonder how this creepy demon looks. He will punish them. His talent is is reconciling friends, reuniting families, which broke apart. He tells you all the things about Past and Future.  He is able also to keep  your reputation away from  the «dirt».  For conjurers he got two titles, but among the other demons, he is knows as « the Earl Botis». 
He can be great Guard  for those, who summoned him, in the social and emotional life. He can protect you from troubles, will help your reputation and you will keep your friends and make new ones.  On my opinion, this  demon got one the most creepy looks among all the other demons here.  But he seems to make nice things for you. So you should not be afraid of him and most important- never summon him just because you wonder, because he will turn from Guard person to Punishing one. 

This is the sigil of the demon Botis   . The direct instructions of how  to call for him were written in the Lesser Key of Solomon / Goetia.
Botis sigil

BEST time to call for : 11 -15 June, 2 - 11 September , day time
TITLE:              the President and the Earl
DIRECTION:    west
ELEMENT:       water
PLANET:         Mercury
METAL:           copper+silver, mercury, lead  + uranium 
PLANT:           Lily  
COLOR:         white, orange 
AROMA:         storax
ZODIAC:         Virgo 
TO SUMMON: Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis.  
