16-23 January
MOST ACTIVE DEMONS THESE DAYS are - Forneus 16-20 January daytime, Foras 20-23 January daytime, Kimaris 16-20 January at night near the sunrise, Amdusias 21-23 Janury at night.
*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS for full understanding the principle of this calendar.
Influence of Forneus
People who are under the risk these days - those, who desire to be likes and loved by everyone they meet. Such people prostitute their mind and spirit. These days the mighty demon Forneus will come for them and use their spirit as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of Forneus - please take a pause in your life and search for yourself. And meanwhile please do not do the things that can attract Forneus to you. Please do NOT wear violet and orange colors clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma. Stay far from the places where Sunflower grows and do not use the things made of silver. Capricorns must be really careful now.
Influence of Foras
People who are under the risk these days - those, who fell into the infatuation with the Logics. Such people lost the real sense of things. These days the powerful demon Foras will come for them and show them the real sense of things. If you do not wish to get such cruel life lesson from this demon - please keep the balance between rational and irrational. And while you fight with your weakness - please do not do the things which can attract Foras to you. Please do NOT wear orange color clothing, do not use storax aroma. Stay far from the places where Agave grows. Aquariuses are under the biggest risk now.
Influence of Kimaris
People who are under the risk these days - those, who always try to be cool and fancy. Such people have got the lack of visions. These days the powerful demon Kimaris will come for them and use their spirit as energy fuel for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to be used by Kimaris - please work on ability to forgive yourself. And while you fight with this weakness of yours - please do not do the things that can attract Kimaris to you. Please do NOT wear violet color clothing and do not use Jasmine aroma. Stay far from the places where Pine tree grows and do not use the things made of silver. Capricorns must be careful now.
Influence of Amdusias
People who are under the risk these days - those, who enjoy their gloss of smartness. Such people risk to loose Coherence of systems of their minds. These days the mighty demon Amdusias will come for them and use them as "fuel" for himself to get stronger for the powerful people, who summon him now. If you do not wish to become the victim of the demon Amdusias, here what you can you- you have to learn to be able to see the contradictions. You have to understand all this and demon Amdusias will serve you, but not use you. And meanwhile please do not do the things, that can attract Amdusias to you. Please do NOT wear green color clothing and do not use sandal aroma, stay far from the places where Mimosa grows and do not use the things made of copper. Aquariuses are under the biggest risk now.
If you feel that you do not have any kind of weakness, told above - please be brave enough to summon Forneus, Foras, Kimaris or Amdusias and they will help you to reach your life goals and to make your wishes come true. Good luck!
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