MOST ACTIVE DEMONS THESE DAYS are - Zepar 1 September daytime, Botis 2-7 September daytime, Asmoday 1 September daytime, Gaap 2-7 September daytime, Alloces 1-3 September at night, Camio 2-7 September at night.
*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS for full understanding the principle of this calendar.
Influence of Zepar
People who are under the risk these days - Those, who live too much in passion. Whose relations are fully barren. Such people will get hunted these days by the attack of the demon Zepar. Such people are not able to respect their partner and themselves too. They will pay for this attitude these days. How to avoid this? Just teach yourself cooperative creativity of the relations and harmony. Find REAL, not fake interest in your partner. And while you work on that, please do NOT wear these days black color clothing and do NOT use sandal aroma. Stay far from the places where Mandragora grows. And do not use the things made of copper. Virgos must be especially careful now.
Influence of Botis
People who are under the risk these days - Those, are not able to make decisions. Who are forever in doubts. Such people will become "fuel" for the demon Botis now, he needs to get strong for the powerful people, who will summon him now. What you can do in order not to become food for him? Just become brave enough to take the steps into future, stop worrying, and open your heart to the world and to your dreams. While you take your fight with this one your weakness - please do NOT wear now white and orange color clothing, do NOT use storax aroma and stay far from Lilys plants. Things, made of copper, silver, mercury , lead and uranium and not for you these days. Virgos must be really careful now.
Influence of Asmoday
People who are under the risk these days - Those, whose life is dedicated only to Ideas, but they have zero feelings. Such people are not able to love. They will become the perfect "food" for the demon Asmoday now. How to fix that? Just learn to Sacrifice and Dedicate your life to someone special. Your life will become full of harmony and love. And meanwhile please do NOT wear yellow color clothings and do not use Frankincense aroma. Also please do NOT wear Jewelry made of Gold. Aquariuses must be really careful now.
Influence of Gaap
People who are under the risk these days - Those, who desire to become Main person everywhere they appear. Its despots and tyrants. These days Gaap will come and become despot for them. And you will realize how wrong you were. If you do not want to get such cruel and hard lesson from Gaap - learn yourself to respect other people. Your life will become much more happy in such the way. And meanwhile please do NOT wear orange color clothing and do not use storax aroma - all this can attract Gaap to you. Also stay far from the places where Moss grows. Aquariuses must be careful especially.
Influence of Alloces
People who are under the risk these days - Those, who live their life by worshiping the Idols. They always humiliate themselves in much way. These days Alloces will show them why such life attitude is wrong and where it can take such people to. How to avoid this hard life lesson from Alloces? Just start to respect yourself and others but without being blind. You should have critical attitude and own thinking about everything. And Meanwhile please do NOT wear green color clothing, do not use sandal aroma and do not use the things made of copper. Virgos must be especially careful now.
Influence of Camio
People who are under the risk these days - Those, who admire too much their own wisdom. Who are not able to live without their fans and admirers. Such people look like "peacocks". They love to show their smartness, even if they are wrong. If you are such type of person, Camio will come for you these days and use you as fuel to get strong. If you do not want this to happen - just stop thinking that you are most smart on the planet, and stop to admire yourself. And meanwhile please do not wear orange color clothing, do not use storax and lavender aromas and stay far from Wintergreen plant. Virgos - take care!
If you feel that you are strong enough and you do not have any kind of weaknesses, described above - take your chance and summon these days Zepar, Botis, Asmoday, Gaap, Alloces or Camio and they will help you to make your wishes come true. Good luck!
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