1-7 August




MOST ACTIVE DEMONS  THESE DAYS are  -  Beleth 1 August daytime,  Leraje 1 August daytime,  Bune 1 August daytime,  Ronove 2-7 August daytime,  Crocell 1 August at night,  Furcas 2-7 August at night.

*Please read the article GATEWAY OF CONSCIOUSNESS  for full understanding the principle of this calendar. 

Influence of  Beleth
People who are under the risk these days  - Those, who live too much in passion. Who act in unhealthy affection. Such people will face attack of the demon Beleth now. He needs fuel to become stronger for the ones, who summon him. So he is looking now for weak victim. How  to make Beleth stay away from you?  You should just work on respecting yourself.  Respect yourself - and world will shine in better colors for you. Also please do not wear these days red color clothing, do not use Frankincense aroma, do not eat or smell fennel and hazel. And do not wear Jewelry made of Gold.  Leos are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Leraje
People who are under the risk these days  - The Ones,  who fight too much for justice.  Who see only black or white in the situations around them.  They understand only their own life position. Such people will suffer these days because of high activity of the demon Leraje. He will show you in the very hard and painful way that you should work on your tolerance. How to avoid it? Just be tolerant, and understand that you must be more flexible. Also please do NOT wear these days red and violet color clothing, do not use Jasmine aroma  and do not wear Jewelry made of silver.  Do not eat bananas. Leos should be especially careful now. 

Influence of  Bune
People who are under the risk these days  - The Ones,  who live in their Past. Whose mind, soul and actions are under ossification.   Now Bune will show you that you live in the bad way and you will pay for it. How to fix it? Just learn yourself to let the things go, forget the past and move on. BE brave enough to make step into the Future.  No matter what you faced in past - just forget about it. Also please do NOT wear these days green color clothing, do not smell Sandal aroma, do not eat oranges, do not use things made of copper. Sagittariuses should be very careful now. 

Influence of  Ronove
People who are under the risk these days  - The Ones,  who have got too hard desire to be and look important. Those, who are afraid to fail. Such people are dependent on the way they appear to the humanity. Now Ronove will hunt for you. He will use you as food to become stronger.  How to fix it and to make Ronove stay away from you or even to be able to summon Ronove? Just work  to be able to stay funny and ridiculous.  Just accept that you are not perfect. Also please do NOT wear these days purple color clothing, do nor smell Jasmine aroma. Do not use cinnamon  now. Aldo do not wear Jewelry made of silver. And stay far from copper.  Sagittarius - be careful!

Influence of  Crocell
People who are under the risk these days  - The Ones,  who are scared of the unknown future, who are too shy,  who are afraid to take a step intro Future. Crocell will show you these days that you do wrong.  You must  care about yourself and learn to become brave enough to face your fears and to move on.  Also please do NOT  wear now green color clothing, do not smell Sandal aroma. Do not use things made of copper.  Leos are under the big risk now. 

Influence of  Furcas
People who are under the risk these days  - The Ones,  who admire too much the wise people. Who do not live their own lives and do not use their own mind. Please understand that you should be flexible to survive in this hard world, and constant using of other people wisdom  will bring you into  trouble. Furcas these days will come for you. You must understand that you suppress your own individuality.  You murder the Buddha inside you in such way. Fix it and you will be fine. Also please do not wear now blue color clothing, do not smell Myrrh. And do not use things, made of Lead.  Leos must be especially careful now. 

If you are very sure , that you do not have any type of weaknesses, described  above- please be brave enough and try to summon  Beleth, Leraje, Bune, Ronove, Crocell or Furcas.  Good Luck! 

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