Eligos the Duke of Hell

Eligos - the Juridical Warlord.

Eligos is the Great Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser key of Solomon. He rules 60 legions of spirits. 

Eligos the Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon
Artwork by Coffeatus

This demon appears as a creepy rider of the  ugly dragon  with the three heads , carrying the lance and ensign. 
This dragon was gifted like a horse  by Bael the king  and its reanimated horse form the Eden garden. 
This high title  demon deserved because  of his  knowledges of war strategies, same as  because of his great ideas how to win the diplomatic hidden «battles».  He can help you also to win  the juridical «games» .  if you will summon him and ask respectfully -  he will  predict for you acts of your enemies also. And Eligos will help the conjurer to get the interest and the favor from the people you need help to win any battle. 
«Wars»   can be not only physical ones, biggest wars are taking place  in the courts.  And Eligos will be glad to assist you to win any of them.  So this demon is called «juridical warrior» .

This is the sigil of the demon Eligos  . The direct instructions of how  to call for him were written in the Lesser Key of Solomon / Goetia.

Eligos sigil

BEST time to call for : start of June, 13-22 August, day time
TITLE:              the Duke
DIRECTION:    west
ELEMENT:       water
PLANET:         Venus
METAL:           copper
PLANT:           thyme  
COLOR:         yellow
AROMA:         sandal
ZODIAC:         Leo 
TO SUMMON: Jedan on ca Eligos inan.
