Astaroth the Duke of Hell

Astaroth - the Goddess of Love Inanna.

Astaroth ( also knows as Asteraoth , Astarta , Astarte , Inanna , Ishtar , Anat , Anath , Isis ) is the Great Duke of Hell and the part of the evil trinity in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon.  He rules 40 legions of spirits. 

Astaroth the Duke of Hell in the Ars Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon
Artwork by Coffeatus

Astaroth appears as a Strong Man riding a strange ugly dragon and holding the Snake in his hand. He has got the horrible breathing , so the one who summons him -  should stay  far.  Astaroth gives the Truly answers to all the questions about Past and Future.  He knows all about the liberal sciences.  Some sources tell that area of Influence of Astaroth is the USA. Astaroth is the demon who always takes part in the epidemics of possessions.  He goes inside   people, makes them possessive and then goes out from their mouths in the shape of pigs or some others  dirty animals. He loves the empty pastimes and the idleness . He promotes laziness .  Astaroth is one the most old demons, so he is most powerful and respected.  He was one the First Sumerian’s Gods. He patronizes the demons  and people and also he is the treasurer of Hell, because he is most trusted demon.  Also he gives advices  both for the  demons and people . He is able to evoke the prophetic dreams . He is gifting the friendship with the people who has got the Big Titles in life and   he loves to give you luxury and pleasures .  When the contact with the demon reaches the certain level - he appears as the goddess Inanna - she is tall , aristocratic lady with white skin and long white hair. For the one who summoned Astaroth - it will mean that he trusts you. 

This is the sigil of the demon Astaroth   . The direct instructions of how  to call for him were written in the Lesser Key of Solomon / Goetia.
Astaroth sigil

BEST time to call for : 31 December - 10 January , 18 - 22 September , day time
TITLE:              the Duke
DIRECTION:    north
ELEMENT:       earth
PLANET:         Venus 
METAL:           copper
PLANT:           laurel  
COLOR:         green , brown , red, blue 
AROMA:         sandal  
ZODIAC:         Capricorn   
TO SUMMON: Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth. 


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